Solid Wood Construction

Romina Crib composed of SOLID Beech Hardwood.  Lovely!

Romina Crib composed of SOLID Beech Hardwood. Lovely!

Furniture comes in all shapes, sizes, styles and designs but one of the most important factors in buying quality product is the construction.  Unfortunately construction is the thing that is most difficult to ascertain by looking at the product.  Poorly constructed products show very little of their inherent qualities because they are hidden behind finishes and mouldings and paint.

At Baby Furniture Plus Kids we focus on quality products and one of the best measures of a product’s quality is in determining the raw materials used for construction of the product.  In each of our stores (Columbia, Greenville and Charlotte) we offer a selection of products that are solid wood construction.  These items contain NO MDF (medium density fiberboard), Particleboard, or “wood-like” composites.  These composites tend to break down over time and the integrity of the furniture is lost.

For those of discerning taste that are looking for life-long investment quality products we suggest Romina Furniture.  Romina furniture is produced from solid Beech wood in Romania.  The choice of this VERY high quality hardwood allows the product to withstand the stresses your family will put on it, measured in decades and generations and not just years.

Each of the cribs below as well as ALL of the associated dressers, chests, nighstands, bookcases, armoires and accessory pieces in the collections are composed of %100 percent solid wood.

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