Baby’s Dream Safety Gate Cribs

What is a Safety Gate® Crib?

The Safety Gate® feature is an access point on the cribs.  A fully hinged gate is part of the footboard of the crib.  A dual trigger latch allows release of the gate to fold down and provide an entry point into the crib that is between 5 and 7 inches lower than when raised.

What advantages does it offer?

There are three distinct advantages of a Safety Gate® Crib over a traditional stationary sided crib.

safety gate

Increased Access – the gate down position on the crib allows the user to easily access the mattress/infant without having to bend over the front rail of the crib. This becomes especially important when your 14 month old that weighs 17 pounds needs to be put to bed because he fell asleep in the car or on the sofa. When the mattress is in the lowest position on a stationary crib you have to bend over and down into the crib to access the mattress. With a Safety Gate® Crib the depth you have to bend is decreased dramatically.

Deeper Cribs – the mattress on the gate up position of the crib will be between 3 and 5 inches deeper than a similar stationary crib.  Those few inches can allow you to leave your child in the crib for several months longer than a stationary crib.  The deeper crib is more difficult for your child to climb out of.

Toddler Guard Rail – the gate functions as a toddler rail for the day-bed version of the crib.

Does it cost More?

Saves MoneyAs with all of the cribs in our store, the major distinctions in price are due to the type of wood and the amount of wood involved in the construction.  The Safety Gate® cribs are priced in line with this.  The one advantage of a Safety Gate® crib over a standard crib is the inclusion of the toddler rail in the initial purchase.  The gate becomes the toddler rail in the youth bed so no additional purchase is required.

Is the Gate in the Adult Version?

Many people wonder about the gate on the cribs that convert to adult beds.  The gates completely disappear in the adult (full size) version of the beds.

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